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Click Guardian
April 30th, 2019 / Click fraud

Click Fraud API

With the recent re-launch of Click Guardian - with new features and a more comprehensive level of protection for any PPC campaign – it became apparent that protection against click fraud needed to be integrated more substantially with other systems. By developing a click fraud API, users can streamline their processes and make detection easier to achieve.

Larger organisations and agencies require more seamless methods of managing external products/services and the most common way to do this is via an API. Using the Click Guardian API you now have the ability to control all aspects of your click fraud protection right from within your own app or internal systems. By removing barriers for users to integrate click fraud protection, the process of detecting and eliminating click fraud is increased significantly. We feel that our Click Guardian API delivers all of this and more.

Fully Integrated

With a host of both older and newer features, it is important for the integration of Click Guardian within a system to become more seamless. With the use of the click fraud API, users can benefit from automated actions, which prevents any faults from interfering with the job of detection.

Furthermore, by integrating the click fraud API with an app/service, a user will not have to login directly to the Click Guardian dashboard. In doing so, users will not have to concern themselves with having to login directly to Click Guardian whilst simultaneously being logged into their own system.

The level of functionality directly benefits a user as it improves the workflow between click fraud detection and the wider operating system (or APIs) within a larger network.

Removing the middle man

When using third party applications, many larger organisations are concerned (and rightly so) that their workflows will be disrupted in some way.

As the Click Guardian API allows a user to fully integrate it into their own systems, the proverbial middle man is effectively removed from any workflow process. By removing any mention of Click Guardian, a user can choose at will how to incorporate certain click fraud prevention features and present them as their own development.

But what type of API is it?

With this new development, you may be wondering what type of API system the Click Guardian API uses. Due to the number of features which are available to Click Guardian users, it was felt that the most practical type of API to deploy was a REST format.

As a REST format is a simple to use, you’re assured of a smoother integration when optimising workflows and dashboards. By using a single uniform REST interface, the Click Guardian API can be easier to integrate than if it was using a SOAP format.

Added to this, the REST format is more compatible with other data systems and returns requests in the popular JSON format.

Signing Up

As mentioned, the new version of Click Guardian version provides a user with more features than the previous version, many of which are more advanced and comprehensive in the cover that they provide.

The Click Guardian API is one new development which provides a specific click fraud API. This provides users a much more versatile platform and an API which can blend easily into a larger organisation or agency’s systems.

Click Guardian is available with a free 7 day trial and an easy to set-up process from the start. Get in touch today to discover how we can help fight click fraud.